Saturday, January 25, 2020
Literature Review of Language Learning Strategies
Literature Review of Language Learning Strategies Chapter 1 Literature Review of Language Learning Strategies 1.1 Introduction Research into language learning strategies began in the 1960s, particularly , development in cognitive psychology influenced much of the research done on language learning strategies (Williams Burden 2000 :149). Since then, there has been a prominent shift within the field of language learning and teaching with greater emphasis being put on learners and learning rather than on teachers and teaching. In parallel to this new shift of interest, how learners process new information and what kinds of strategies they employ to understand, learn or remember the information has been the primary concern of the researchers dealing with the area of foreign language learning. Therefore, a lot of researchers have been devoting themselves to the area, among whom best represented by Rubin (1975), Cohen (1981), Wenden (1982), Oxford(1989), OMalley Chamot (1990), etc. In China, the research into language learning strategies began in the middle 1980s, such as Huang Xiaohua(1985), Gui Shichun (1988), Liu Runqing (1990), followed by Wen Qiufang(1996) and Cheng Xiaotang(2000). 1.2 Significance of the Studies of English Learning Strategies Learning is a lifelong task for each person. With the development of the times and the promotion of the English education reform, we, teachers of English have been clearly aware that our duty is not only to teach students language knowledge, whats more, we should teach them to learn to learn. As far as the reality is concerned, the studies of English learning strategies are significant in these regards as follows: The studies of English learning strategies meet the needs of the current implementation of quality-oriented education in our country. At present, quality-oriented education is being carried out in both primary schools and middle schools, whereas quality-oriented education is the one focusing on students overall development. As we see, the humankind has entered the information and knowledge-based economy era in which science and technology are advancing by bounds and leaps with each passing day. Therefore, students should be equipped with lifelong capabilities of learning if they want to succeed in fierce competitions in future. As teachers of English, we should help students to master the correct methods of learning English, develop students learning potentials, foster their sound learning habits and bring up the abilities of teaching themselves English so that they can have concrete foundations of English learning after they leave school. In addition, the fosterage of learning strategies is beneficial to developing students fine personalities as well as their spirits of innovation. No wonder that the newly-issued national English Curriculum Standard (2003:29) points out Helping students develop sound learning habits and form the effective learning strategies is an important task of English curriculum. Just as the Chinese saying goes, Give a man a fish and he eats a day; teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime. 2. The studies of English learning strategies are conducive to shifting our teachers traditional beliefs so as to elevate our own quality and thus improving the quality of our teaching and education in large scales. In the current world, the rapid development of social economy, culture, science and technology have been all the more seeing the traditional beliefs and modes fail to adapt to the modem educational requirements . Through the studies , we can better update the teachers educational beliefs and constantly learn new teaching methods and new knowledge to meet the needs of educational reforms. Furthermore, we hold that quality is the absolute principle in the educational career. Regrettably, a lot of problems leading to poor educational quality come down to the inefficient learning methods rather than teaching methods. Hence, if we want to improve the quality of our education and teaching in large scales, we shall regard the studies of learning strategies as the breakthrough point . According to foreign language pedagogy theory, teaching and learning belong to an inseparable organic entity which are interdependent and complementary to each other. All these require we should strengthen the studies of the English learning strategies in middle schools. 3. The studies of English learning strategies help the learners(students) become more successful in their learning. The SLA theory and practice have all the more been proving that the cognition of learning methods plays an increasingly important role in ones learning and the prerequisite to learning English well is to learn how to learn effectively. More and more research results have also shown that the effective learning strategies are quite relevant to ones academic achievements . Biggs(1990) points out that when students are eager to learn and know how to learn, they will be able to achieve ideal achievements. So the studies of English learning strategies are important means to improving students learning efficiency in an all-round way. 1.3 Language Learning Strategies Since the emergence of learning strategies, many researchers have been concentrating their attention on language learning strategies, however, defining and classifying language learning strategies has been a major concern for researchers devoted to this area. As language learning strategy studies develop and researchers identify more and more strategies, the classification schemes become more elaborate and complicated, which in themselves are not a problem because they help us to have a better understanding of the nature of language learning strategies. 1.3.1 Definition of Language Learning Strategies The term language learning strategies has been defined by many researchers. Learning strategies are defined by Rubin(1975:43) as the techniques or devices that the language learner may use to gain knowledge. Weinstein and Mayer (1986:315) state that Learning strategies have learning facilitation as a goal and are intention on the part of the learner, the goal of strategy use is to affect the learners motivation or affective state, or the way in which the learner selects, acquires, organizes, or integrates new knowledge. Wenden (1987: 19) defines learning strategies as any sets of operations, steps, plans , routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information. According to Stem (1992:261) , the concept of learning strategies is dependent on the assumption that learners consciously engage in activities to achieve certain goals and learning strategies can be regarded as broadly conceived intentional directions and learning strategies . Williams and Burden (2000:216) define learning strategies as series of skills used with a particular learning purpose in mind. They involve an ability to monitor the learning situation and respond accordingly and they also mean being able to assess the situation, to plan, to select appropriate skills, to sequence them, to coordinate them, to monitor or assess their effectiveness and to revise the plan when necessary. Based on Chinese students learning and development , the newly-issued National English Curriculum Standard (2003:23) regard learning strategies as all kinds of actions and measures students take in order to learn efficiently and develop themselves. To sum up, we may understand English learning strategies as follows: Firstly, learning strategies are the complex plans concerning learning process learners make. In a strict sense, all the plans of the learning activities should be different, thats to say, the learning strategies each time used by the learners are quite different. However, relatively speaking, for the same sort of learning, learners may have similar plans, which we may call learning strategies in common use, just like the reading method SQ3R(Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Revise)many learners use. Secondly, learning strategies are initiatively used by the learners so as to achieve a certain learning goal. Therefore, learners should make appropriate learning plans in the light of their learning tasks accordingly. Generally speaking, learners are conscious when they use certain learning strategies. When the plans are being carried out over and over, learners level of using them will reach a certain sort of automation. Thirdly, to use learning strategies is to learn efficiently. On the contrary, if the learners dont use certain strategies in their learning, they may find it difficult to attain their learning aim. In other words, they wont get satisfying effect even if they finally attain a certain aim. Take memorizing English words as an example, given enough time, one can also remember words through mechanical repetition. However, if one uses other methods , the memorizing efficiency may be improved greatly. 1.3.2 Classification of Language Learning Strategies Classifying language learning strategies has been a major concern for researchers devoted to this field. So far language learning strategies have been classified by many scholars, such as OMalley(1985), Wenden Rubin(1987) , Oxford (1990), Stern(1992) , Ellis (1994), Wen Qiufang (1996) and so on. Lets see a few representative viewpoints: OMalleys (1985) classification of language learning strategies Metacognitive strategies Cognitive strategies Socioaffective strategies Rubins (1987) classification of language learning strategies / Learning strategies Cognitive learning strategies Metacognitive learning strategies Communicative strategies Social strategies Oxfords(1990) classification of language learning strategies Direct strategiesà à à à à à à à à à à à à Memory Cognitive à à à à à à à à à à à à à Compensation strategies Indirect strategiesà à à à à à à à à à à à à Metacgnitive strategies Affective strategies Social strategies Stems(1992) classification of language learning strategies Management and planning strategies Cognitive strategies Communicative-Experiential strategies Interpersonal strategies Affective strategies Wen Qiufangs (1996) classification of language learning strategies Concept Methods- Management methods Learning methods As different researchers have given different ways of classification from different aspects . In order to make the operation of English learning strategies instruction and training more convenient and effective, on the basis of National English Curriculum Standard (2003) and taxonomies mentioned. above, on the one hand , Ive adopted the following classification according to the role that strategies play in the learning process, that is , affective strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive (regulative) strategies, communicative strategies and resourceful strategies; on the other hand, in accordance with the fields of language knowledge and language skills, Ive listed strategies for learning vocabulary, grammar, and strategies for developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The former will be penetrated in my daily English teaching (Strategy-based instruction) and the latter will be trained through special lectures. 1.3.3 Factors Influencing Language Learning Strategies The use of learning strategies is not an isolated phenomenon. The mastery and adoption of students learning strategies are undoubtedly affected by various factors. So the research and investigation into these factors will surely be of great help to teachers who are engaged in learning strategies instruction and training, as the teachers can control or eliminate the disturbance of these elements. Furthermore, the research into the factors influencing learning strategies plays an extremely important role in shortening students learning time and improving their learning efficiency and making the strategies instruction and training more targeted. As we know , learners(students) and teachers are two closely related aspects in teaching, so the factors influencing the mastery and adoption of students learning strategies mainly derive from students and teachers. Motivation and Interest By motivation, I mean the term of describing , arising, maintaining and guiding of the human behaviors. To some extent, motivation is the driving power of human behaviors. Therefore, motivation is very important when students learn English. They are believed to be always dominated by a certain motivation. In the educational field, motivation is a very important requirement to keep the education and class-teaching going smoothly and effectively. Motivation is the most frequently used term for explaining success or failure in virtually any complex task. Its easy to claim that a motivated learner will do better in language learning. This is of course not groundless, for countless studies and experiments have demonstrated that motivation is a key to success in language learning. But researches also show only neither too high nor too low learning motivation can improve learning efficiently. Its clear that if learning motivation is too low, higher efficiency cant be achieved. Students with lower learning motivation are usually short of study enthusiasm. They are the passive participants in the learning activity and their learning efficiency will be negatively influenced. Students with too high of a motive intensity will fail to face difficulties confidently, fail to take part in the communication calmly and their potentials for study will not be desirable. According to Oxford and Nyikos'(1989: 404-19) research, the higher the learners motivation is , the more learning strategies and the more frequently he will use. As we know, learning is a kind of ,conscious activity, only when students hove the definite awareness to improve their learning and the strong desire to master learning strategies will they positively be able to find out and summarize strategies leading to success. Also, the outer learning strategies instruction and training can be internalized. In addition, the intensity of students learning motivation determines what kind of strategies they will choose and therefore affects the efficiency of their strategy use. For example, Biggs'(1990) research shows that students with extrinsic motivation tend to choose mechanic learning strategies while those with intrinsic motivation tend to choose meaningful organizing learning strategies; and students with higher motivation tend to use more frequently the learning strategies they have mastered while those with lower motivation are insensitive to the use of strategies. OO According to Gardner and Lambert(1972) , learners mainly with instrument motivation tend to use communicative learning strategies more frequently. Last but not least, interest is an important aspect in motivation. Interest is aroused and developed on the basis of needs. When one shows interest in certain things, theyll undoubtedly take positive attitudes towards them. As Einstein once said Interest is the best teacher. Some British psychologists experiments have proved that interest rather than intelligence can better promote students autonomous learning. Therefore, teachers should design creative and lively teaching activities and new forms and ways through various teaching media to help students learn better. Personality What is personality? How is it to be generally delineated and understood ? In psychology, Eysenck (1974) occupies a pivotal position in this field. He elaborates a most comprehensive and objective approach to the study of personality. His theory, using dichotomies, identifies the general traits: extrovert/introvert and neurotic/stable. As for personality influencing foreign language learning, more researches are concerned with exploring the personality of extroversion and introversion. Traditionally, it has often been assumed that learners who are extroverts will be better and faster foreign language learners, who are generally more sociable and gregarious. They enjoy change and excitement. Extroverts will be more actively involved with the language than their introvert classmates. They will be more responsible to the input they get, be keener to try producing their own foreign language utterances and so have more opportunities to build up and test hypotheses about the language. Its also most noticeable in the language classroom where the teacher likes talkative, outgoing students who participate freely in class discussions. On the other hand, introverts are often thought of as reserved, bookish and slow. Unfortunately, this prejudice has had a considerable influence on language teaching, which vie should be careful with. So far, Griffiths (1991) viewpoints have been widely accepted: introverts have advantages over extroverts in developing their cognitive academic language ability, as they usually spend more time in grammar, reading and writing and they are good at observing and thinking. While extroverts are capable in basic interpersonal communication skills, as they have more opportunities and more language input. This is also in accordance with Zhu Chuns conclusion(1 994:347). In my opinion , as far as my 13 years teaching practice is concerned, these ideas are authoritative. So it needs to be judged fairly in our teaching practice. Personally, in our daily learning strategies instruction and specialized training, Id like to propose that we teachers of English should consciously encourage students to be extroverted, while at the same time being 1990, ( -fj kEi 03N*)IY. ]e~l t, M 122 ; aware of the optimum between extroversion and introversion, which may vary from student to student, from moment to moment. Learning Styles The way we learn things in general and the particular attack we make on a problem seem to hinge upon a rather amorphous link between personality and cognition_ This link is called learning style or cognitive style. Ellis (1985) states Cognitive style is a term used to refer to the manner in which people perceive, conceptualize , organize and recall information. Each person is considered to have a more or less consistent mode of cognitive functioning. According to Wedell, M Liu Runqing (1995:209) Cognitive style refers to the ways that individuals organize, analyze and recall new information and experiences. Up till now, different researchers have identified different types of learning styles from different angles. For instance, Margaret. Morgan (1982:52) identifies 16 types of learning styles from two dimensions: extroversion-introversion; sense-intuition. Cl) Reid (1987) identifies as Audio-Sense Type, Visual-Sense Type, Moval-Sense Type, Touch-Sense Type from the angel of differe nt sensories. OO As far as the researches are concerned, the more detailed the divisions are, the better we can perform. However, in daily applications we find them too trivial. To make our studies convenient and operable, a distinction is made between Field-Dependent and Field- Independent language learners in the light of students perceptional styles. The following are seen in our practical English teaching: Field-dependent students are more positively influenced by their teachers; they perform better on structural tasks than unstructured; they dont try to analyze or think about English themselves; they are very reliant on what other people think of them and depend a great deal on positive feedback in their English learning; they tend to be seen as outgoing and interested in others and they are usually perceptive of the feelings and thoughts of others. In contrast, field-independent students do better without teachers interference; they are good at fmding patterns, organizing data to make generalizations and learning rules and they have a strong sense of personal identity and often seem insensitive to and distant from others. Its possible to say that these characteristics are not totally related to the styles of field independence or dependence, but its necessary for us teachers to be conscious of these cognitive elements in English teaching. What I would claim is that individual student vary their utilization of field dependence or field independence, depending on the context of learning. If a task requires field independence, individuals may invoke their field-independent style; if it requires field dependence, they may invoke a field-dependent style. Obviously, our role is to understand the preferred style of each student and to encourage the appropriate style for the context in our learning strategies Gordon Lawrence. 1982:52-53. People Types and Tiger Strips. Centre for Application of Psychological Type, Inc. ( Reid, J. 1987. The Learning Styles Preferences of ESL Students. TESOL Quarterly 21: 87-111 instruction and specialized training. Its worth mentioning that English learners themselves should be aware of their own learning styles so that they can make full of their own characteristics. 13.3.4 Intelligence Subjectively speaking, learners wont consciously choose and use learning strategies in line with their own intelligence, as learners are not necessarily aware of their own intelligence, furthermore, there hasnt been evident relationship between intelligence and learning strategies so far. However, objectively speaking, intelligence is still a factor influencing the formulation and choice of learners learning strategies to some extent, as we know, some learning strategies require learners higher intelligence, for example, when learners are required to summarize grammatical rules through language analysis and observation. Although the less intelligent learners may also attempt to foster and use these strategies, the efficiency when they use these strategies will surely be not as high as those more intelligent learners. Gradually, they will abandon these learning strategies consciously or unconsciously and thus they may turn to other learning strategies. The research into language strategies training has proved that the more intelligent students tend to develop their own effective learning strategies spontaneously through trying to figure out teachers daily interpretations and summarizing experiences in solving problems. While for the general intelligent students, they tend to develop their learning strategies through teachers specific and explicit instructions or training. For the poor students, they need not only teachers specific help and explicit interpretations but constant practice as well. In this case, they can use the learning strategies theyve got mechanically , but when the learning tasks , learning environment or learning contexts are changeable , they are at a loss as to how to choose appropriate learning strategies, or rather, even if they use the strategies, they still fail to solve problems effectively. It should be pointed out that intelligence is only one of the factors influencing students formulation _ and adoption, but not the mere condition. Its shared understanding that the more intelligent learners wont necessarily master the effective learning strategies naturally; while those who cant master effective learning strategies are not necessarily the less intelligent learners. The Teacher Teaching, as a kind of cognition, is mainly embodied through students understanding, which is believed that students are the subjects of teaching. However, in the process of teaching, students cognition is not isolated, but conducted by the teacher. As a result, students acquirement , choice and application in learning strategies are dominated by the teacher. The teacher may influence students formulation and adoption of learning strategies directly or indirectly. The direct influence refers to the teachers special or embedded learning strategies training in English teaching. In terms of the teachers indirect influence, I mainly refer to the teachers teaching experience, teaching methods and teaching procedures, all of which may exert a subtle influence on the formulation of learners learning strategies. For example, an experienced teacher may have the following impacts on students acquirement and adoption of learning strategies: In teaching practice, the teacher is good at recognizing important learning strategies, and clearly aware which strategies are crucial to students of different ages, which strategies are indispensable to different learning tasks. Therefore, the teacher is able to teach students the appropriate strategies effectively in the light of students characteristics of different ages and meet the needs of different learning tasks. The teacher is constantly trying to seek new learning strategies . With the in-depth of the theory research and summarization of pragmatic teaching experience, learning strategies have been creating and discovering accordingly. The experienced teacher has to explore and seek new learning strategies in the light of teaching requirements , also, the teacher will provide the students with new learning strategies so that they may master more learning strategies effectively. The teacher is adept in choosing the appropriate learning strategies materials and making the materials more relevant and typical, which will make the selected materials in accordance with the students cognitive characteristics and personality, fully reflect the learning strategies being trained and also arouse students learning interest. The teacher is adept in converting the so-called implicit requirements of the teaching contents into explicit ones. It means that the teacher will be able to teach the learning strategies vaguely and consciously. The teacher is able to raise students awareness of learning and mastering learning strategies with the help of the outer teaching requirements at the right moment. Thats to say , when students are unconscious of the learning strategies, the teacher is able to stir their awareness efficiently; when students are subconscious of the learning strategies, the teacher is able to promote them consciously and clearly. Little by little, the students will learn to improve their learning , summarize their own experience and accumulate their learning strategies, which will undoubtedly help augment their learning efficiency. On the other hand, whether the teacher can adopt his teaching methods appropriately will also have an important impact on students formulation and adoption of learning strategies. As its known to us that learning strategies , after all, are kind of implicit learning techniques, the teacher who can adopt appropriate teaching methods will be able to make the abstract.teaching contents more specific, more vivid and more illustrative. Lastly, its worth mentioning that when the teacher has a profound understanding of the characteristics of the teaching procedures , he will teach students necessary learning strategies at the pivotal links and crucial periods. Similarly, in learning strategies instruction and training, the teacher can adopt the elicitation method rather than cramming method . Then the students can draw interferences about other cases from one instance with the teachers unraveling at certain crucial moments. Other Factors Besides the factors mentioned above, learners age also has a conspicuous influence upon students formulation and adoption of learning strategies. With the growth of age, learners cognitive abilities will grow accordingly. As far as the learners are concerned, the periods can be divided into three periods: pre-school period, primary-school period and high-school period. C On the basis of the actual circumstances, the thesis is mainly focused on the high -school period. Although learners cognitive abilities are growing rapidly, and their cognitive ways are being enriched gradually, without the teachers help and instruction , high school students still cant develop and adopt learning strategies spontaneously and systematically. In view of this fact, learning strategies instruction and training among high school students is quite necessary. Indeed, there may be different factors influencing students mastery and adoption of learning strategies. Therefore, in our learning strategies instruction and training, we should take the following factors into full consideration: students learning motivation, personality, intelligence, learning styles, the teachers teaching methods and so on, because these studies will make our learning strategies instruction and training more directed, shorten students learning time and improve students learning efficiency. 1992. (Vft.,12.44-4) *VtfAk44-ailVii M 385 Bibliography English References: Chamot, A. U. OMalley, J. 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Friday, January 17, 2020
Love at First Sight Essay
Love at first sight is a common trope in Western literature, in which a person, character, or speaker feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first sight of them. Described by poets and critics from the Greek world on, it has become one of the most powerful tropes in Western fiction. In the classical world, the phenomenon of ââ¬Å"love at first sightâ⬠was understood within the context of a more general conception of passionate love, a kind of madness or, as the Greeks put it, theia mania (ââ¬Å"madness from the godsâ⬠).[1] This love passion was described through an elaborate metaphoric and mythological psychological schema involving ââ¬Å"loveââ¬â¢s arrowsâ⬠or ââ¬Å"love darts,â⬠the source of which was often given as the mythological Eros or Cupid,[2] sometimes by other mythological deities (such as Rumor[3]). At times, the source of the arrows was said to be the image of the beautiful love object itself. If these arrows arrived at the loverââ¬â¢s eyes, they would then travel to and ââ¬Ëpierceââ¬â¢ his or her heart, overwhelming them with desire and longing (love sickness). The image of the ââ¬Å"arrowââ¬â¢s woundâ⬠was sometimes used to create oxymorons and rhetorical antithesis. ââ¬Å"Love at first sightâ⬠was explained as a sudden and immediate beguiling of the lover through the action of these processes, and is illustrated in numerous Greek and Roman works. In Ovidââ¬â¢s Metamorphoses, Narcissus becomes immediately spellbound and charmed by his own (unbeknownst to him) image. In Achilles Tatiusââ¬â¢s Leucippe and Clitophon, the lover Clitophon thus describes his own experience of the phenomenon: ââ¬Å"As soon as I had seen her, I was lost. For Beautyââ¬â¢s wound is sharper than any weaponââ¬â¢s, and it runs through the eyes down to the soul. It is through the eye that loveââ¬â¢s wound passes, and I now became a prey to a host of emotionsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ [4]â⬠Love at first sightâ⬠was not, however, the only mode of entering into passionate love in classical texts; at times the passion could occur after the initial meeting or could precede the first glimpse. Another classical interpretation of the phenomenon of ââ¬Å"love at first sightâ⬠is found in Platoââ¬â¢s Symposium in Aristophanesââ¬â¢ description of the separation of primitive double-creatures into modern men and women and their subsequent search for their missing half: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ when [a lover] â⬠¦ is fortunate enough to meet his other half, they are both so intoxicated with affection, with friendship, and with love, that they cannot bear to let each other out of sight for a single instant.â⬠[5]
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Uniqlo Marketing Plan - 4279 Words
Marketing Plan Outline Company Background Executive Summary Situation Analysis-ââ¬Å"Where are we now?â⬠1. Macro Situation-PEST Analysis 1. Political Factors: 2. Economical Factors: 3. Social Factors: 4. Technological Factors: 2. Micro Situation-SWOT Analysis 1. Internal Assessment (Strengths) 2. Internal Assessment (Weaknesses) 3. External Assessment (Opportunities) 4. External Assessment (Threats) Goal Setting-ââ¬Å"Where do we want to go?â⬠1. Market Segmentation Target Market 2. Find Points of Difference 3. Product Positioning 4. Marketing Goals Objectives Action Plan-ââ¬Å"How can we get there?â⬠1. Product Strategies 2. Pricing Strategies 3. Promotion Strategies 4. Place Strategiesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In 2009, signed a design consulting contract for UNIQLO products with fashion designer Jil Sander in March. UNIQLO also furnished the uniforms for Japans Olympic athletes in the 1998, 2002, and 2004 Olympic Games, as well as the uniforms for J.Leagues Thespa Kusatsu team. The UNIQLO operation ââ¬â trends in net sales and store numbers The area of product development, we have established a global RD system linking Research and Development in New York and Tokyo. We seek to capture local trends early and incorporate them in our product development and design. In addition we opened stores outside of Japan starting in the UK in 2001. Since then, we have expanded our international store network into a number of countries including China, Hong Kong, South Korea, USA and France. We opened global flagship stores in New Yorkââ¬â¢s SOHO shopping district in 2006 and on Londonââ¬â¢s Oxford Street in 2007. We continue to develop UNIQLO as a global brand. Comparison with major global specialty clothing retailers UNIQLO accounts for roughly 90% of total sales at the FAST RETAILING holding company. FAST RETAILING is clearly in the top class if you compare its scale of sales with other specialty clothing retailers from around the world. |Company Name (Flagship Brand) |Country |Fiscal Year End |Sales (à ¥ Billions) | |GAP |USA |Jan. 2008Show MoreRelatedUniqlo Marketing Plan4295 Words à |à 18 PagesMarketing Plan Outline Company Background Executive Summary Situation Analysis-ââ¬Å"Where are we now?â⬠1. Macro Situation-PEST Analysis 1. Political Factors: 2. Economical Factors: 3. Social Factors: 4. Technological Factors: 2. Micro Situation-SWOT Analysis 1. Internal Assessment (Strengths) 2. Internal Assessment (Weaknesses) 3. External Assessment (Opportunities) 4. External Assessment (Threats) Goal Setting-ââ¬Å"Where do we want to go?â⬠1. 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Observe the strategy of UNIQLO, it base on SPA model which took place in the groupââ¬â¢s structure and lead them to become the top brand in Asia during the downward spirals of global environment. * UNIQLO Business strategy To become one of the top clothingRead MoreFast Retailing Has Competitive Advantages Essay970 Words à |à 4 Pagescatalogue, no date). Marketing strategy: Place and distribution. The objective is to visibly expose Uniqlo to as many Torontonians as possible. The first location in Canada will be at CF Toronto Eaton Centre. (CO, 2016b) Uniqlo will be located on the third floor inside the Dundas Atrium, between Nordstrom and HM, situated as a high traffic spot that attracts ttention through its billboards, lights, street performances and other attractions. (TECOP03 floorplan, no date) UNIQLO is seeking to buildRead MoreUNIQLO4274 Words à |à 18 Pagesï » ¿PART1 UNIQLO Contents Introduction PEST analysis(Macro) Political Economic Social Technology Micro analysis Customers Competitors Suppliers Distributors Stakeholders Market segment Brand positional map Marketing mix (4Ps) Product Price Place Promotion Branding Bibliography 1. Introduction UNIQLO, established in 1963. At first, it was only a small clothing store sales, which have become internationally well-known clothing brands currently. Yanai is general manager ofRead MoreThe Future Of Fashion Retailing1635 Words à |à 7 Pagesloyal customers want in stores. Not all fashion companies grow a company in the United States, but rather in different countries, such as Japan, Spain, and Sweden. From the Forbes magazine, writer Greg Petro discusses how three fashion companies, Uniqlo, Zara, and HM, have expanded globally outside of their home country into the United States. Petro wrote an article back in 2012 about these three well-known fashion companies. Recently this past summer, Petro revisited all three fashion companiesRead MoreStrategic Management At Uniqlo And Zara Vs. World Of Fashion Retailing1954 Words à |à 8 Pagescom/archives/2014/04/08/uniqlo-piece.php * PDF- not yet referenced - PESTEL, porters 5
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay about Arthur Miller - 1626 Words
Theater Appreciation ARTHUR MILLER Of the list of American playwrights the one I thought I would find most interesting is Arthur Miller. Being relatively familiar with some of his work I wanted to learn more about him. Through the research I have done I have been able to find some very interesting information about Millers work as well as his personal life. Arthur Miller was born in New York on October 17, 1915. His father, Isidore Miller, was a ladies-wear manufacturer and shopkeeper whose business was ruined in the Great Depression. This obviously had a huge impact on the familys financial situation which in turn had a strong influence on Miller. The family was forced to move to a small frame house in Brooklyn, which is saidâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Millers work eventually made it to Broadway starting with The Man Who Had all the Luck in 1944. It closed after four performances. Three years later he returned to Broadway producing All My Sons, the story of a factory owner who sells faulty aircraft parts during World War II. It won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. This being his first major award, his work would continue to receive critical acclaim for years, however there would still be ups and downs. Arthur Millers work varied over the next several years. In 1944 Arthur toured Army camps to collect background material for his screenplay The Story of GI Joe. Miller also wrote his first novel, Focus (1945), which was a story about anti-Semitism. In 1949 Millers Death of a Salesman brought him international fame. This became probably one of his most well known pieces of work as well as a major achievement of modern American theatre. Death of a Salesman is a story about the quest for the American Dream. The salesman, Willy Loman, is a man of pride who is not the great success that he claims to be to his family and friends. Due to the postwar economic boom he looses his job and goes into a downward spiral. He begins to hallucinate about significant events from his past and eventually he comes to the conclusion that he is worth more dead than alive. Willy kills himself in his car, hoping that the insurance money will support his familyShow MoreRelated Arthur Miller Essay1170 Word s à |à 5 PagesArthur Miller Arthur Miller, in his plays, deals with the injustice of societys moral values and the characters who are vulnerable to its cruelty. A good majority of these plays were very successful and earned numerous awards. According to Brooks Atkinson, a critic for the New York Times, Millers play Death of a Salesman was successful because the play is so simple in style and so inevitable in theme that it scarcely seems like a thing that has been written and acted. For Mr. MillerRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1145 Words à |à 5 PagesUnbalance Through The Centuries In Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s play, The Crucible, the author reflects the persecution of communists in America in the 1950ââ¬â¢s through a recount of the Salem witch trials. It is often presumed that Miller based his drama directly off of events that were particularly prevalent in the years surrounding the publication of The Crucible- which was released in the year 1953, towards the conclusion of the Korean War. Although there was not a literal witch hunt occurring during this timeRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller Essay1552 Words à |à 7 Pages Honor and Faith is what is questioned in Arthur Miller ââ¬Å"The Crucibleâ⬠. The Crucible is about the Salem witch trials. Several young girls claim to be afflicted by witchcraft. The afflicted girls accuse people in the town of witchcraft, often choosing victims who they or their families dislike. The main antagonist Abigail Williams with the other girlââ¬â¢s accusations resulted in the arrests and death of many people in the community of Salem. Arthur Miller wrote this play during the time of the RedRead MoreThe Crucible by Arthur Miller 801 Words à |à 3 PagesThe performance of Arthur Millers drama, The Crucible, put on by the WolfPack Players is one that has taken a fair bit of polishing to go from an average high school show, to a great show; the director, Patrica Scarborough, can certainly attest to such a bold claim. While we were held back by petty issues such as lines, we were, as a company, able to pull it together, just in time for opening. I can honestly say, in my heart, that this show could have gone better. In no way am I marking this a shamefulRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1064 Words à |à 5 PagesLucifer, Satan or his common name, the devil. From an English perspective, he is the first antagonist. In Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s The Crucible, the Devil is the main cause of conflict. He is the root of Evil. Now the reaction to devilish behavior varies from person to person, possibly even society to society. The Puritan society combats evil doing with actions that could be considered worse than the Devil s worst of deeds. This is demonstrated by Reverend Hale, whose importance starts initially as a figureheadRead MoreThe Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay714 Words à |à 3 Pagesââ¬Å"What was the Arthur purpose for writing The Crucibleâ⬠? Well letââ¬â¢s start of by saying Arthur Miller was a extremely American play writing. Miller born in 1915, but where was his childhood? He grew up in New York with a Jewish family. Arthur Millersââ¬â¢ play went on Broadway at the Martin Beck. This occurred in the year of 1953. The play was called The Crucible. Was The Crucible even one of his best places? Well it was yet one of his best second plays. What were the events of the play of Miller had doneRead MoreArthur Miller Research Essay1102 Words à |à 5 Pages2012 Arthur Miller Research Essay Arthur Miller was an American playwright who wrote plays such as ââ¬Å"The Crucibleâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Death of a Salesmanâ⬠because he thought theatre could change the world. He wrote his works based on friends, his own life, and family. People believed he was a man of integrity and a hero because of the ways he portrayed himself. He was born in 1915 in Harlem, New York and raised in a very wealthy household by his parents, Isidore and Augusta Miller. After highRead MoreArthur Miller And Elia Kazan815 Words à |à 4 Pagescrazy to think how two peopleââ¬â¢s lives could be so intertwined. Arthur Miller and Elia Kazan, two completely different people with clashing personalities and morals, have one of the most complicated relationships in Hollywood history. With the same childhood, the same love interest, and same event that would make or break their career, the lives of these men were more intertwined than they had ever hoped or planned to be. Before Miller and Kazan had even met, their childhood proved to be somewhatRead MoreArthur Miller: The Family Man1129 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe right choices, and a need to provide for them. Arthur Miller a father of three children himself, has this deeply rooted into his mind and within his literary works. (Abbotson) Arthur Asher Miller a man of many very high esteemed novels was born in New York City on October 17, 1915. (Hadomi) A man who saw all the harshness of the Great Depression, and had many jobs including a clerk, and a delivery boy for a bakery before school. Arthur Miller began writing in 1934 while he attended MichiganRead MoreDeath of Salesman by Arthur Miller972 Words à |à 4 PagesDeath of a Salesman by the playwright Arthur Miller, the use of names is significant to the characters themselves. Many playwrights and authors use names in their works to make a connection between the reader and the main idea of their work. Arthur Miller uses names in this play extraordinarily. Not only does Miller use the names to get readers to correlate them with the main idea of the play, but he also uses names to provide some irony to the play. Miller uses the meanings of some of the names
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